New Program Monitor - Choose Program

This page lets you tell PTFB Pro which program you want to monitor. It displays a list of all the programs, or to be more accurate, "processes", that are currently running on your PC.

If you see your target program in the list, just select it and hit Next.

If the target program is not in the list, you can still enter it manually in the boxes below the list. The most important field is the process name. This should contain the name of the program/process as it would be displayed in Windows Task Manager. For example, PTFB Pro's process name is PTFBPro.exe (note there's no space). The description field is optional, and is really there just to remind you which program you've picked.

When you've chosen the target program, hit the Next button to move to the next page of the wizard.


NOTE: Under Windows XP, you'll typically see a lot of processes listed - in fact if you've never looked at the Processes tab in Windows Task Manager you may be shocked at just how processes are currently running. Don't be alarmed by this - it's normal - and in particular please don't be tempted to use PTFB Pro to forcibly quit any and all process you don't recognize! Many of those processes will be vital to Windows operation, and if you quit them, your PC may become unstable and require a reboot. Only target programs that you're familiar with!


Program Monitor Macros - Overview